Welcome hikers!
We've set up these forums as a means to share information among the interested, while reducing the amount of spam people receive in their inbox. Primarily, this is a resource for those who are joining us for the hikes between March 2015 and the Summer of 2019. We are not affiliated with the Bruce Trail Association, although most of us are active members of various Bruce Trail clubs.
Membership to these forums is free, and open to the public--if you are interested (and not a bot), you are welcome to become a member.
NOTE: Joining our forum does NOT make you a member of the Bruce Trail Association--you can find information on becoming a member of a Bruce Trail club at: http://brucetrail.org/
Use of the forums:
These are meant to be a friendly place, so please keep discussion civil--trolls will get the boot immediately, without warning, and we won't feel the least bit bad about it.
Initially, the forums are set up as follows (you will need to join the forums and login to see these):
(Year) Hikes
(i.e. 2015 Hikes) -- these are details on the hikes scheduled for a given year. We will make an effort to include a reasonable amount of detail regarding key meeting points, parking etc. Please add to these as required.
Links to member photo galleries from the hikes
Member Discussions
Hiking-related discussions of the forum membership.
As we find useful resources, they will be posted here. These are open for comments and discussion, and can be added to/enhanced by members.
Hiker Gear Swap
If you have hiking/outdoor gear you wish to sell/trade/give away, feel free to post it here. (Please keep it hiking/outdoor related. The dining room suite goes on kijiji...)
To help people find and filter the appropriate posts, in the post title, preface the description with WANTED, SELLING or FREE.
WANTED: (Item or service) -- Looking to buy (or acquire for free!)
SELLING: (Item or service) -- You've got something hiking-related to offer
FREE: (Item or service) -- You're going to give it away
We've set up these forums as a means to share information among the interested, while reducing the amount of spam people receive in their inbox. Primarily, this is a resource for those who are joining us for the hikes between March 2015 and the Summer of 2019. We are not affiliated with the Bruce Trail Association, although most of us are active members of various Bruce Trail clubs.
Membership to these forums is free, and open to the public--if you are interested (and not a bot), you are welcome to become a member.
NOTE: Joining our forum does NOT make you a member of the Bruce Trail Association--you can find information on becoming a member of a Bruce Trail club at: http://brucetrail.org/
Use of the forums:
These are meant to be a friendly place, so please keep discussion civil--trolls will get the boot immediately, without warning, and we won't feel the least bit bad about it.
Initially, the forums are set up as follows (you will need to join the forums and login to see these):
(Year) Hikes
(i.e. 2015 Hikes) -- these are details on the hikes scheduled for a given year. We will make an effort to include a reasonable amount of detail regarding key meeting points, parking etc. Please add to these as required.
Links to member photo galleries from the hikes
Member Discussions
Hiking-related discussions of the forum membership.
As we find useful resources, they will be posted here. These are open for comments and discussion, and can be added to/enhanced by members.
Hiker Gear Swap
If you have hiking/outdoor gear you wish to sell/trade/give away, feel free to post it here. (Please keep it hiking/outdoor related. The dining room suite goes on kijiji...)
To help people find and filter the appropriate posts, in the post title, preface the description with WANTED, SELLING or FREE.
WANTED: (Item or service) -- Looking to buy (or acquire for free!)
SELLING: (Item or service) -- You've got something hiking-related to offer
FREE: (Item or service) -- You're going to give it away