Hike The Bruce

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Hike The Bruce

A forum for a group of Ontario Hikers with plans to experience the Bruce Trail through a series of monthly day-hikes.

    2018-09-22 12th(&13th) Sideroad to 18th(&19th) Sideroad, West of 5th Line


    Posts : 154
    Join date : 2015-03-31
    Age : 57

    2018-09-22 12th(&13th) Sideroad to 18th(&19th) Sideroad, West of 5th Line Empty 2018-09-22 12th(&13th) Sideroad to 18th(&19th) Sideroad, West of 5th Line

    Post by cgundlack Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:41 pm

    This hike has been adjusted.  Parking is pretty sparse in this area, so this hike is just under 17km

    8:45AM Meet at the roadside parking West of the 10.6 km mark of the Beaver Valley Section on 18th (&19th) Sideroad, West of 5th line.
    Parking ID BV_003
    GPS: 44.4953118, -80.3767874
    Google Map: Meeting (End) Point

    Shuttle back to our start point on 12th (&13th) Sideroad (60.1 km mark of Blue Mountain section)
    This is unofficial parking, but there is a good wide shoulder where we parked before.
    GPS: 44.4741111,-80.3158396
    Google Map: Map

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:41 pm