Hike The Bruce

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Hike The Bruce

A forum for a group of Ontario Hikers with plans to experience the Bruce Trail through a series of monthly day-hikes.

    2017-04-01 (Saturday Apr 1st, 2017) 10th Line to The Grange Sdrd (Toronto/Caledon)


    Posts : 154
    Join date : 2015-03-31
    Age : 57

    2017-04-01 (Saturday Apr 1st, 2017) 10th Line to The Grange Sdrd (Toronto/Caledon) Empty 2017-04-01 (Saturday Apr 1st, 2017) 10th Line to The Grange Sdrd (Toronto/Caledon)

    Post by cgundlack Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:48 pm

    Happy 2017, Hikers!

    The first hike will be on Saturday April 1st 2017.  This 16.6km route finishes the Toronto Club and start us into Caledon Club, and is entirely shown on Bruce Trail Map 14.

    There will be some potentially sloppy trail at the beginning, but due to quite a few trail closures as a result of Ash Borer damage, the route will be largely on roads--somewhat less scenic, but probably better for this time of year, and perhaps an easier start for our first one of the season.

    As usual, our meeting point will be at the end-point of our hike.  

    We will meet at 8:45 AM at the roadside parking corner of The Grange Side Road and Creditview Rd (SW of Forks of the Credit)
    Parking ID:C_004 (43.79149078979981, -79.975229419573) See Map

    Denny is interested in a drop-car along the way, and there may be others that want to hike a shorter distance (10-12 km)  The re-route takes us along the rail trail near Boston Mills, and there appears to be a single parking spot at the intersection of the Caledon Trailway Path and Boston Mills Rd (SW of Chinguacousy Rd), which will be ~10km.

    From the car drop, we'll head to the start point at the roadside parking on 10th Line (T_016) near Terra Cotta Conservation area,(43.70974906165262, -79.96289289916211).  See Map

    Looking forward to seeing folks and enjoying the start of another great year of hiking!

    P.S. Sorry for being slow getting things updated here for our season.  Many thanks to Denny for co-ordinating the calendar for the year.

    I'm doing some rework on our long-range schedule to accommodate the route changes etc. that have occurred--updating now!

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 13, 2024 8:11 pm